32 Room Hotel in Slovakia |
Have you ever tried building a shed in your backyard without making any noise or stirring up any dirt? Well try doing that when building a 2 story, 32 room hotel, in a hurry!
Read the complete Project Summary.
2010 Training Season Ramps Up |
So..... you want to create jobs?
Last year saw the most ambitious and successful training season in Quad-Lock's history. In 34 separate training events, nearly 500 individuals were active participants in our increasingly popular "hands-on" learning sessions. Builders, Architects, Engineers, Developers, Code Officials, and Owner-Builders from across the USA, Canada, and the Caribbean took away both practical skills and knowledge to support their businesses. The knowledge transfer that occurred in these sessions has resulted in a tangible increase in building activity, with Quad-Lock, Quad-Deck, and the new R-ETRO System helping to move energy efficient building projects (both new and retro-fit) ahead in 2009. Many more are scheduled for 2010. This is Quad-Lock's version of a "jobs stimulus plan"! (No government hand-out required, by the way)
The coming training season will feature many similar local basic training sessions as well as the twice annual New Dealer Trainings in Atlanta, GA and Vancouver, BC.
New for 2010 will be 4 to 5 "Advanced Trainings", focused on builders and craftspeople. These sessions in separate N. American regions will be two days in length. "Hands-on" experience is by far the largest component of the agenda. Details like radius walls, window and door placement, finishes, wall-to-floor connections, suspended concrete floors and roofs, and deep energy retro-fits of existing buildings will be featured. Demonstrations of tools, finishes, bracing systems and more will be offered by partner companies.
Check out what's already scheduled and keep coming back to check as we add training locations throughout the year. Register early for registration discounts!
See you there!
Douglas Bennion
Sr. Training Consultant
View Current Training Schedule
World of Concrete is Almost Here!
Come Visit Us and
See Our Latest Innovations
We will again be available to you in both our inside location or in the outdoor demonstration area.
Indoor Booth: N1717
Outdoor Booth: O30511
Hope to see you there!
Hot off the presses!
We have recently updated both our
Contractor Brochure and
R-ETRO Brochure. Check them out!
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previewed in upcoming issues.
Best regards,
Quad-Lock Building Systems