New! Quad-Deck Product Manual |
Just Released!!
The new Quad-Deck Product Manual is a comprehensive and
informative document outlining product information, technical
specifications and installation procedures for ICF floors and
Please register to download your copy.
Tips & Tricks |
Media interviews are often a better
form of awareness for your company and products than actually
spending money on advertising. Media is seen as an independent
third-party and are generally, more trusted.
It's easier to interview with print
media since they usually have more time for research and to
assemble their story. With on-air interviews you need to be very
concise with your message otherwise it may get lost on the
cutting room floor.
To ensure that you are able to
communicate the key messages that you want, make sure you map
out your strategy before the interview. Remember, a media
interview is not a conversation, the journalist is a conduit to
gather information and reaction to a particular point of view or
storyline. Make sure you:
- Know the 3 key points you want to
communicate - any more and it's likely that the journalist
will pick which points to publicize.
- For a print interview, ask for the
questions or interview framework in advance so that you can
- Don't ramble. Be clear and concise
on your points - this will help the journalist in his/her
editing process.
- For a televised interview,
remember to breathe! A lot of the footage will probably
never make it on air. Take a moment to collect yourself
before responding.
They say that any press is good
press, but knowing first what it is you want to say will
tell your story and build the reputation of your company and
your products.
We'd be happy to assist,
contact us. |
Concrete C02 Fact Sheet
The NRMCA has recently issued the Concrete C02 Fact Sheet.
This publication was created to help understand the complexities
of climate change and the greenhouse gas effect. It provides an
overview of the concrete industry's commitment to minimize
environmental impact related to carbon dioxide emissions.
Download the fact sheet.
Meetings - Make Your Job a Success
Information is one of our greatest assets when we have it and our
biggest challenge when we don't. This is especially true in the building
business. One of the best ways to share information about Quad-Lock ICF
with the team members on a building project is a pre-construction
meeting. Attendees should include representatives from the ownership,
the design and engineering teams, code compliance and building trade
suppliers across the project.
Read the full story.
How do you improve your selling skills and increase sales? The best
professional sales people understand their customer's needs and offer
the best solution to meet those needs. Make it easy for potential
customers to say YES rather than NO. If your product or
service does not solve the customer's problem and offer value, then your
product or service is irrelevant. The question is how do you find out
what is important to the customer? Quite simply, you ask!
A sales call routinely has some variation on the following:
These components could be in one call or over many calls depending on
the complexity of the sale. I have seen experienced sales
representatives meet with potential prospects and miss the mark
completely. Here is a good example, I will use Joe as a fictional sales
representative: Joe meets with his new prospective client and after
exchanging pleasantries, Joe starts telling his client about his
company's history, exemplary customer service, and lastly about his
product. Joe proceeds to pull out glossy literature of his products
followed closely by sharing references of successful sales across town.
Joe thinks he is on a roll and the potential customer listens intently.
Finally after 30 minutes, the client stops Joe in his tracks and asks a
question. Joe, I appreciate you sharing all this information with me but
I have one problem. Do you know anything about my business and why I
made this appointment in the first place? Joe had made a critical
mistake on this call. He continued to talk about his company and his
great products and never once asked the customer what was important to
him. This happens all too frequently when sales representatives are
excited to be at the appointment and automatically begin spewing
information they think is important or will impress the client.
Sales representatives should listen more and talk less. Remember that
the potential customer's time is valuable to him. Joe was asked to the
meeting because the potential customer has a need he has identified. In
Joe's situation, he should have been prepared and asked specific
questions, ultimately steering the direction of the sales call.
Questions such as these are good examples:
- Thank you for inviting me in today. What would you like to
accomplish with this meeting?
- In regards to your project, what is important to you?
- If you could fix one thing about your existing supplier, what
would it be?
- What features and benefits appeal to you most?
- How did you hear about our company?
- How much do you know about our product offering?
I am sure you see the idea and where Joe could have done a better job
asking probing questions. It is more important to understand your
prospect's business model and needs than it is to tell him how great you
and your Company are. If you focus on the needs of your prospect and
hone your questioning technique, you will save a lot of time and close
more sales. And remember, after the probing questions you will have a
clear of what the customer needs - THAT IS WHEN THE REAL SELLING BEGINS.
ICF and Energy Savings...
John Hatfield brought to our attention that we should be more
specific when making energy claims relating to ICF construction. We are
after all, only one component in the overall design of an energy
efficient building.
With that said, here is John's position: "That Quad-Lock as an
integral part of an energy saving design can assist the total building
envelope with an energy reduction of 30 to 50%. This envelope would
include Energy Star windows and a minimum roof assembly that
incorporates an R-30 insulation and an integral air leakage barrier
ICF Builder Magazine recently ran a story on "Five Steps to a Successful Zero Energy Home (ZEH)" and have given us permission to share
it with you.
View that
article and our info on
Performance & R-Values.
Proven Energy Efficiencies
As part of our on-going development of materials to assist in the
sale of Quad-Lock, we want to create a library of statistics about
structures built with Quad-Lock Insulating Concrete Forms. You can help
us by submitting your energy bills, along with the bills from a
comparable house in your neighborhood for us to add to our library. When
you do this Quad-Lock will pay your highest month's energy bill for your
Contact us for more information.