Quad-Lock strives for excellence in training the installers of its products and is committed to providing great training tools and experienced professionals to help ensure the success of every project undertaken.
Quad-Lock has a two-step installation training process to educate installers on the best techniques, tips, and other valuable information.
- Have all applicable safety standards been met?
- Did the installer comply with accepted practices for concrete placement & consolidation?
- Is the project built in accordance with plan specifications and engineering?
- Has the installer followed manufacturer's recommendations?
- What is the general condition of the job? Plumb, Straight, Square and Level?
- Is the jobsite clean and well organized?
- Is the installer properly licensed & insured (and bonded)?
After a successful jobsite evaluation, the installer will be acknowledged as a "Trained Quad-Lock Installer" and becomes eligible to receive sales leads, literature, technical support etc. Installers can progress through a number of levels with continuing education, experience, and jobsite evaluations:
Disclaimer: The owner / homeowner agrees that Quad-Lock cannot be held liable or responsible for any event that takes place with any contractors referred by Quad-Lock or its affiliates. Quad-Lock does not guarantee the performance of contractors, not even those recognized as Trained Installers. Quad-Lock cannot be held responsible for damages or liability of work performed by those contractors. Choosing a contractor is done so at the risk of the owner / homeowner. The owner / homeowner agrees that Quad-Lock cannot control the events that take place between contractors and customers, and therefore cannot be held liable for any problems that may occur. The listing of dealers and contractors on quadlock.com is an information source only; the user agrees that Quad-Lock in no way has recommended any contractor but rather the user agrees that quadlock.com is an information source only and accepts the information that is offered as is.